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Relationships and new media.

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Friends having coffee

Friends having coffee. From CNN.com.

I assume that most people reading my blog have some interest in new media and social media. You probably have a Facebook, maybe a Twitter, or even a blog of your own. However, how does these new media mediums influence your existing relationships? Not the people you stalk on Facebook, but the ones you go to coffee with, or even play a board game (remember those?!?) with, assuming you get out of the house and do either of those things, or anything with other people.

I stumbled upon an article on CNN today that was quite intriguing. It was written by two women who publish a blog called “Stuff Hipsters Hate.” They offer up a fun, yet quite true take on how some of the common new mediums may be severing our personal relationships.

They bring up several distinct areas where you see this going down the tubes, notably the lack of handwritten thank you cards, lack of a birthday wishes outside of Facebook, offering condolences on Facebook, and even breaking up with a significant other online.

To me, handing off these areas to the impersonal new media is disgusting. A ‘happy birthday’ face-to-face from a friend means so much more than the 120 I get on Facebook. Written thank you notes are the same way versus even an email.

While Facebook, email, and other new mediums offer loads of advantages, including getting your own personal opinions out there (and getting news out there) fast, and the ability to connect with old friends who you might not otherwise see or hear from, it does seem to disconnect us a bit. I’ll be the first to admit that, rather than pick up the phone to say hello to someone, I’m much more inclined to check their Facebook status and see what’s going on in their lives. As I sit here and think about that fact, I’m rather disappointed in myself–would my relationships be deeper, stronger, and more fulfilling had I called or visited more than looked at statuses? How would my life be different?

As I reflect on this, I think it’s time to get away from some of the social media and get out amongst the people. Pick up the phone and call an old friend. Go for coffee. Play Monopoly. GET AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER! (after you’re finished reading my blog, of course)

Written by Matt

September 29, 2010 at 8:43 pm

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  1. I guess this is the wave of the future for relationships here, but I still think actual interaction face-to-face will always win out, at least on my end.


    October 25, 2010 at 8:35 pm

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