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Archive for the ‘video games’ Category

In-game ads are effective.

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A recent article on Yahoo Games (don’t ask me how I saw that one–never been to that site in my life!) notes not only how prevalent ads are in video games, but how effective they are. The article focused on a

in game advertising

Example of in-game advertising.

study conducted by Nielsen, and utilized two version of the NHL game by EA Sports, and three installments of the NBA game by EA Sports. The study focused on Gatorade ads in those games, and noted that sales were up 24% amongst those game participants and the game was cited as the motivation.


This causes two responses within me.

1) I’m oblivious to the pervasiveness of in-game advertising. That can be attributed to two things, I think. One, I’m working on a Master’s Degree and don’t have time to play video games. I couldn’t tell you the last time I did. Two, I’m pretty oblivious. I’m not going to lie about that, but, when I’m playing a game, I’m focusing on the task at hand (killing the bad guy, wrecking a car…whatever) and don’t really notice a whole lot else. That’s just me though. I’m not a good target for in-game advertisers.

2) I’m quite shocked at the way we’re surrounded by ads, everywhere we go. Even in games. We can’t get away from them. We’re seeing ads on our phones. We’re seeing ads on TV, in games, on the computer, as we drive down the road, on the radio (both regular and satellite), on the sides of vehicles and so much more. It’s almost sickening how we’ll do anything to make a buck.

Yet we pay. We buy whatever crap people are selling. Sometimes I think it’s almost subliminal messages. We may not consciously see the ad for Gatorade, but, after the fact, we think…wow…I’m thirsty for Gatorade.

I ignore ads. At least I think I do. Not just in video games, but just about everywhere. Commercial time is my work time on TV. I switch radio stations when the ads come. If all 12 presets are advertising, it’s time to listen to that CD again. Video games? Let’s focus on the task at hand…I’m not that coordinated to do much else. Web? Again, usually browsing with purpose. I can’t tell you the last time I clicked on an ad.

But, that’s just me. How do you respond to ads? Do you buy stuff? Ignore them? Somewhere in the middle? What mediums affect you the most?

Written by Matt

September 19, 2010 at 2:18 pm